Top picture: The vanity, French mirror, toilet paper man, and some decorations. Middle picture: One of the switch plates my dad spray painted. Bottom picture: A close-up of the vanity. The sink is a copper bird bath. The spicket is a copper watering can. The water is turned on/off by cool doorknobs from Anthropologie. And of course, more mosaic!!!
Top picture: Dresser from CL or Freecycle with Dave-and-Susie-mosaiced top, lamp that was in the Hyattsville house when I bought it, and a tapestry I got for free on CL. Middle picture: A bit of the new floor, toilet paper man, and the dresser/vanity we mosaiced. Dave used a copper bird bath for the sink. Close-ups at a later date. Bottom pic: The Vegas tub, pictures from my father's aunt and uncle (presumably from travels to Europe), and more mosaic work.
Dave and my father did all the work. Except for some minor stuff removal (vanity, medicine cabinet), the men in my life did all the work. The tub is from Vegas (a great find on Ebay), the walls done in venetian plaster (Doug's work on Trading Spaces fascinated Dave), and the the flooring is this fake wood stuff from Home Depot -- way better than Pergo, I think. Will post the brand and a close-up later.
Dave dug out the cistern and alas no water. Then he started to dig up the pipe from the spring to the cistern. Lots and lots of mud. The next steps required pros so I found a great plumbing company (the key is they called us back -- later we determined they rock!) to help us out. Two guys came out and spent half the day digging with Dave, snaked the pipe and cleaned it out. Hooray! Water!
The cistern filled up and while Dave and I agreed to wait to bathe, I needed a soak. The water was so muddy that I couldn't see my feet even though they were near the surface. Who cares? Hot water! As time went on, the water got less murky until I could see my toes!
The top picture: This is where water comes out from the spring. Through the screen (the black thing with the green at the top). The bottom picture is the cistern with the lid off (the pond is in the background).
And then there is all the stuff we have inherited from family:
And then, of course, stuff Dave and I have accumulated:
Any suggestions about the color for the door? Clearly, the gray has to go.
Anyway, in a trip down before our summer 2009 trip, Dave finished the wood work and chinking in the master bedroom. While all is very cool, the door frame was made with love!